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GMSO Interviews

American Shoreline Podcast

American Shoreline Podcast

Solving the Overwhelming Demand for Research Vessel Time: G. Mark Miller's Vision for the Future


Smaller research vessels, big impact.

On this episode of the American Shoreline Podcast, co-hosts Peter Ravella and Tyler Buckingham are joined by G. Mark Miller, retired NOAA Corps Officer and founder of Greenwater Marine Sciences Offshore. GMSO is a company that offers a scalable fleet of oceanographic small research vessels to meet the overwhelming demand for research vessel time. Mark shares his vision of revolutionizing the field of oceanographic research by providing affordable, optimally sized, and cost-effective vessels to scientists and explorers whose projects could not otherwise afford time on the water. The study that Commander Miller commissioned during his tenure at NOAA revealed the need for small research vessels and the potential to fulfill 3,000-7,000 days at sea per year. Listen to this episode to learn more about Mark’s career at NOAA, GMSO’s mission, and approach Don’t miss it, only on ASPN!

American Blue Economy Podcast

American Blue Economy Podcast

Sailing, Flying, Diving: NOAA Corps' Mighty Fleet and Their Role in Blue Economy


NOAA Corps: Blue Economy’s Unsung Heroes

On the July episode of the American Blue Economy Podcast, our host Rear Admiral, Tim Gallaudet, PhD, US Navy (ret) shines a spotlight on the NOAA  Corps of Commissioned Officers and their many blue economy contributions. Joining him is a stellar lineup of current and former members of the NOAA Corps, including retired NOAA Corps Commander G. Mark Miller, CEO and Founder of Greenwater MarineSciences Offshore Inc in Alexandria VA, Captain (select) Rebecca Waddington, a certified NOAA pilot and currently the Executive Director to the Deputy Under Secretary for Operations of NOAA at the NOAA HQ building in Silver Spring MD, and Lieutenant Commander (select) Dustin Picard, Chief of the NOAA Corps Recruiting Branch, also in Silver Spring. They describe how this unique uniformed service runs the NOAA Fleet of ships, prop and jet aircraft, boats, dive boats, aerial, underwater, and surface drones, and remotely operated vehicles that are essential for NOAA’s science, service, and stewardship mission. Be ready to get underway, aloft, and underwater on one of the most adventurous episodes of our series!

St Francis Yacht Club WYL

St Francis Yacht Club WYL


G. Mark Miller, Founder & CEO, Greenwater Marine Sciences Offshore, Inc. 

Mark Miller is developing a scalable fleet of small, oceanographic research vessels. GMSO’s mission is to support ocean scientists by supplying small and efficiently crewed ships that are suitable for coastal and near-shore research projects. Currently, there are not enough suitable ships available to meet the demand for science at sea. Smaller coastal projects are contracted to poorly equipped commercial vessels or are using large ships rather than more efficient and cost-effective smaller vessels. With the world opening in the wake of COVID-19, the backlog of maritime science research project is large and growing. To meet this need, GMSO plans to provide a fleet of professionally-manned, appropriately equipped and efficiently designed research vessels.


Meet the deep-sea explorer with a plan to map the whole ocean floor

Meet the deep-sea explorer with a plan to map the whole ocean floor

The Sunday Times

Greenwater Foundation and Victor Vescovo, renowned for his record-breaking deep-sea dives, are spearheading a global effort to map the largely unexplored ocean floor, specifically 84,000 sq miles of coastal waters in 14 regions across the globe. Unique partnerships like this are driving innovation in ocean mapping technologies like satellite-derived bathymetry to accelerate the mapping process, as well as provide access to coastal and marine areas unsafe to directly map. “We put Fiji on the list because this past summer a Fijian patrol boat ran aground because there was no good navigational chart. We threw in the Sulu Sea too [in the southwest Philippines]. It’s basically full of pirates, so if we send boats and drones, they aren’t going to last,” explained Commander G. Mark Miller, founder of Greenwater.



To Boost Ocean Research, Some Scientists Are Turning to Superyachts

To Boost Ocean Research, Some Scientists Are Turning to Superyachts


While some wealthy yacht owners are donating their vessels for scientific expeditions, addressing the critical shortage of research vessels, concerns remain about the environmental impact of these luxury vessels. G. Mark Miller, a retired NOAA Corps officer, advocates for building a fleet of more affordable and purpose-built research vessels to enhance scientific access to the ocean.