GMSO Safe Drinking Water Project

GMSO and Ukrainian Partner in Eastern Ukraine
Our Project
The Ukraine Safe Drinking Water Solutions Partnership will provide proper water testing equipment and training to Ukrainian communities, as well as guidance and coordination to establish priorities and effective protocols. Initial efforts will quickly identify safe sources of water and will also identify areas without any potable water. Humanitarian aid groups and the Ukraine government’s emergency response and rebuilding efforts can then be appropriately focused on the areas most in need. The intention is to create a network to supplement the pre-war national capabilities.
Our Solution
Field test kits will be allocated to high population density areas and a hub and spoke delivery system will be used to test the surrounding regions. A knowledgeable water analyst will set up in a makeshift lab (house, church, local government building, medical facility) and establish consistent daily sampling regimes. Water sampling activities will be coordinated efforts with local Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, local government, and private sector entities. Ukraine has trained water analysts distributed around the country, many displaced or out of work due to the war. These people can serve as regional team leaders. Non-professional testers and sample collectors will be trained by these groups/personnel in proper collection and field-testing techniques.

GMSO and Ukrainian Partners in Kiev Lab

GMSO base of operations in Ukraine
- Identify clean and contaminated sources of water in areas significantly affected by the war. Determine ways to leverage clean sites to provide water in the local area or region based on assessment of water quantity and infrastructure.
- Identify highest risk areas to focus resources on implementing solutions, such as filtration, reverse osmosis, well treatment, drilling new wells, or other innovations.